I Didn't Mean To

I'm starting to get this blogging thing down. Another post within a month of each other. Can you believe it?! Part of that is because I have finally gotten technically savvy and figured out my smartphone. Look out folks, more blog posts in the future! (Yikes?)

I thought I would throw out some photos of my very slowly growing porcelain collection.

Now for the topic of this blog post.

Porcelain ponies was something I had no intention of collecting. Believe me, it was an accident! I just walked into a little shop one day that carried all sorts of knick knacks and *bam* there was a shelf of Hagen Renakers staring me right in the face. And  jumping out at me was a small stallion and mare Arabian pair.

I had actually just discovered the existence of clinkies so when I stumbled on them they came home with me.

And that was it for awhile... until Christmas. This is what my little sister put under the tree:

Who can resist a set of ponies? So they stayed. And thus my collection stayed... until my college graduation. Naturally, I bought myself a pony gift. More than one pony gift actually, as the shop had restocked since the Arabians...

The two guys above are teensy weensy, the foal being not too much bigger than my thumbnail.

Those were my last clinkie pony buys. Pony, I say! My birthday happened, and this happened too...

Cows?! I don't collect cows! Still, they were cute, so they are allowed to stay. 

That comes to my most recent buy. I once again dropped by the store. They only had one little pony and I didn't care for it so I glanced through the other animals...

I don't like labs. 

But he was SO cute, and I had gone there to buy a pony, and the pony there was one I didn't like, so I bit the bullet and brought him home. Oops! Hopefully porcelain dogs aren't addictive.


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