
Showing posts from December, 2021

I Didn't Mean To

I'm starting to get this blogging thing down. Another post within a month of each other. Can you believe it?! Part of that is because I have finally gotten technically savvy and figured out my smartphone. Look out folks, more blog posts in the future! (Yikes?) I thought I would throw out some photos of my very slowly growing porcelain collection. Now for the topic of this blog post. Porcelain ponies was something I had no intention of collecting. Believe me, it was an accident! I just walked into a little shop one day that carried all sorts of knick knacks and *bam* there was a shelf of Hagen Renakers staring me right in the face. And  jumping out at me was a small stallion and mare Arabian pair. I had actually just discovered the existence of clinkies so when I stumbled on them they came home with me. And that was it for awhile... until Christmas. This is what my little sister put under the tree: Who can resist a set of ponies? So they stayed. And thus my collection stayed... unti