
Showing posts from September, 2020

Aaaaand, once again...

 I have a huge gap between my blog posts.  I haven't finished many customs. I did just recently finish a roan that I will have to post soon. She has been my best custom yet.  That being said, this is going to be a short blog post... and relatively pictureless. I only really have a couple of things to say at the moment. One, I have a new Instagram account! You can find me under @wyomingartworkcustoms Second, I bought a new camera! It is a Canon Rebel T6. It was pricey but I think it will be worth it. Finally, I received my first every physical ribbon for a model horse! It was for a photo show, but I am pleased. It figures that out of all of my horses, the placer had to be Phoenix. She is one of the horses that I really hesitate about on my shelf. I waver between keeping her and selling her. Well, we'll see if she continues to perform for me. That's it! Like I said, this was gonna be short!